Layout Commands
Layout commands are case-sensitive. Layout's native command mechanism is the evaluate
function, with the command name and its arguments passed as a single, space-delimited
string. Commands issued using the lookup
and execute
functions will be
translated into evaluate
strings before being processed, and the command
arguments passed to execute
must all be DynaValues
of type DY_STRING
Layout doesn't strip quote marks from arguments. They're treated literally, so they should only be included when they're actually part of the argument. (There aren't any commands whose argument lists require anything other than spaces to delimit the arguments.)
Most Layout command arguments are optional. If the argument isn't supplied, Layout will
prompt the user for the argument. In the command list that follows, the data types of the
arguments are denoted by the initial letter. (The same letters are used in C printf
- number
- An integer.
- gfloat
- A floating-point number.
- string
- A string, such as a filename or channel name.
- hex
- A hexadecimal number, such as an item identifier.
The commands are divided into 15 categories, roughly according to what they do and which globals provide the current values of the parameters they set.
Most item-specific commands operate on the currently selected item. The Interface Info global returns a list of the currently selected items.
SelectItem xID
SelectByName sname
AddToSelection xID
RemoveFromSelection xID- Select an item by item ID or by name, or add and remove an item from the list of selected items.
SelectAllCameras- Select all items of a given type.
EditCameras- Set the edit mode. This may affect the scope of some commands that depend on the contents of the scene or the item selection.
LastItem- Select items by traversing the item list.
NextSibling- Select items by traversing the parenting tree.
Commands that set object parameters operate on the currently selected object. You can use the functions returned by the Object Info global to get the current values of these parameters.
LoadObject sfilename
LoadObjectLayer nlayer sfilename- Load an object, or an object layer, and add it to the scene.
ReplaceWithObject sfilename
ReplaceObjectLayer nlayer sfilename- Replace the selected object or object layer.
AddNull sname
ReplaceWithNull sname- Add a null object to the scene, or replace the selected object with a null.
AddPartigon sfilename
- Add a partigon (a particle object) to the scene. The filename is used to save the object.
- Save all objects in the scene. This updates (overwrites) the object files and is useful primarily for saving any surface changes that may have been made in Layout.
SaveObject sfilename
- Save the selected object to a different file. Later references to the object in the scene will use the new filename.
SaveTransformed sfilename
- Save a copy of the selected object in its current state, generally after patching, deformations and motions have been applied in the current frame.
SaveEndomorph sfilename
- Save an endomorph of the selected object. This is the geometry of the object after
transforming the points using a vertex map of type
. SaveObjectCopy sfilename
- Save a copy of the selected object.
- Remove all objects from the scene.
SubdivisionOrder norder
- Set the subdivision order for subpatches in the selected object. The argument can be any
of the values returned by the Object Info
function. SubPatchLevel ndisplay nrender
MetaballResolution ndisplay nrender- Set the patch resolution for subpatches and metaballs.
MorphTarget xID
- Set the selected object's morph target. The argument is the item ID of the target object.
MorphAmount gamount
- Set the selected object's morph amount, usually a value between 0.0 and 1.0.
MorphSurfaces- Toggle the selected object's MTSE (Multiple Target Single Envelope) and Morph Surfaces options.
ObjectDissolve gdissolve
- Set the selected object's dissolve, usually a value between 0.0 and 1.0.
PolygonSize gsize
- Set the selected object's polygon size. The default size is 1.0.
UnaffectedByFog- Toggle options affecting the participation of the object in certain rendering components.
ReceiveShadow- Toggle the selected object's raytraced shadow options.
IncludeLight xID
ExcludeLight xID- Include or exclude a light. The argument is the item ID of the light.
- A toggle that's on by default and applies to the whole scene. When turned off, shadow calculations will ignore light exclusion.
PolygonEdgeFlags nflags
PolygonEdgeColor gred ggreen gblue- Set the flags and color of the object's polygon edges. See the Object Info
function for a list of possible flags. EnableDeformations
- Enable or disable deformations for all objects in the scene.
Commands that set bone parameters operate on the currently selected bone. You can use the functions returned by the Bone Info global to get the current values of these parameters.
AddBone sname
AddChildBone sname- Add a bone to the scene. The currently selected bone becomes the parent of new child bones.
DrawChildBones- Activates a mode in which bones can be added by clicking and dragging in the interface.
- Remove all bones from the scene.
- Convert skelegons in the object to scene bones.
- Make the bone active or inactive. An inactive bone is ignored during deformation calculations.
BoneFalloffType ntype
- Set the falloff function for the bone. The falloff is proportional to the distance
raised to the power -2
. Atype
of 0 is inverse distance, 1 is inverse distance squared, 2 is inverse distance to the fourth power, and so on. BoneRestPosition gX gY gZ
BoneRestRotation gH gP gB
BoneRestLength glength
BoneStrength gstrength- Set bone parameters.
- When set, the strength will be multiplied by the rest length.
- Take the bone's current position to be its rest position.
BoneWeightMapName sname
BoneNormalization- Set a weight map for a bone. If the Weight Map Only option is toggled on, the normalization toggle is also turned on by default. With normalization on, the displacement of a point is divided by the sum of the weights.
BoneMinRange gdistance
BoneMaxRange gdistance- Toggle limited range, and set the minimum and maximum extents of the range.
BoneJointCompAmounts gself gparent- Toggle joint compensation and the inclusion of the parent in the calculations, and set the compensation amounts. Both joint compensation and muscle flexing are deformation adjustments designed to preserve volume, and they can optionally take the parent into account when the adjustment is calculated.
BoneMuscleFlexAmounts gself gparent- Toggle muscle flexing and the inclusion of the parent in the calculations, and set the flex amounts.
Commands that set light parameters operate on the currently selected light. You can use the functions returned by the Light Info global to get the current values of these parameters.
AddDistantLight sname
AddPointLight sname
AddSpotlight sname
AddLinearLight sname
AddAreaLight sname- Add a light of the given type to the scene.
- Remove all lights from the scene.
- Save the light's parameters to a file. The user is prompted for the filename. The light information is stored in the format used for scene files.
AreaLight- Set the type of the light.
LightColor gred ggreen gblue
LightIntensity gintensity- Set the color and intensity of the selected light.
LightFalloffType ntype
LightRange gdistance- Set the falloff type and range (or nominal distance) for the light. The falloff type affects the interpretation of the range value. These parameters aren't valid for distant lights.
AffectOpenGL- Toggle these effects for the light.
LightConeAngle gangle
LightEdgeAngle gangle- Set the cone angle and soft edge angle for a spotlight.
LightQuality nquality
- Set the quality level for a linear or area light.
ShadowType ntype
- Set the light's shadow type.
- Toggle the Cache Shadow Map option for a shadow-mapped light.
ShadowMapSize nsize
- Set the dimension of the shadow map for a light. A shadow map is a 2D array of pixels. The amount of memory it uses is proportional to the square of the size.
ShadowMapFuzziness gfuzziness
- Set the amount of blur or softness for the shadow map.
- ShadowMapAngle gangle
- Set the "field of view" for a shadow map. This is the angle subtended by the
shadow map at the position of the light. The
toggle sets this angle equal to the cone angle of a spotlight. LensFlare
- Toggle a lens flare effect for the light.
FlareIntensity gintensity
- Set the lens flare intensity.
- Toggle volumetrics for the light.
Global Illumination
EnableCaustics- Toggle these features for the whole scene.
AmbientColor gred ggreen gblue
AmbientIntensity gintensity- Set the ambient light color and intensity.
- Toggle the Shader Noise Reduction feature.
RadiosityType ntype
- Set the radiosity type, which can be one of the following.
0 - Backdrop Only
1 - Monte Carlo
2 - Interpolated - CacheRadiosity
CacheCaustics - Toggle caching of the solutions for radiosity and caustics.
RadiosityIntensity gintensity
RadiosityTolerance gtolerance
CausticIntensity gintensity- Set the radiosity intensity and tolerance and the caustic intensity.
- A toggle that's on by default, this controls whether volumetrics are taken into account by radiosity.
Commands that set camera parameters operate on the currently selected camera. You can use the functions returned by the Camera Info global to get the current values of these parameters.
AddCamera sname
- Add a camera to the scene.
- Remove all cameras from the scene and restore the default camera.
FrameSize nwidth nheight
ResolutionMultiplier gmultiplier- Set the size of the output image. The resolution multiplier makes it easier to scale the image up or down without affecting (or knowing) the base frame size.
PixelAspect gaspect
- Set the ratio of width to height for a pixel. Aspects less than 1.0 produce pixels that are taller than they are wide.
MaskPosition nleft ntop nwidth nheight
MaskColor gred ggreen gblue- Enabling the camera mask causes the mask color to be drawn into the image outside the mask rectangle.
- Toggle limited region rendering. When this is enabled, only the part of the image inside the limited region rectangle will be rendered.
ZoomFactor gfactor
- Set the camera zoom. This is the distance of the camera from the plane of projection. The image on this plane always has a half-height of 1.0.
ApertureHeight gheight
- Set the aperture height of the camera. The focal length is
zoom * ApertureHeight / 2
. Antialiasing nlevel
- Set the antialiasing level.
0 - Off
1 - Low (5 passes)
2 - Medium (9 passes)
3 - High (17 passes)
4 - Extreme (33 passes) - EnhancedAA
- Toggles Enhanced antialiasing.
- Toggles adaptive sampling.
AdaptiveThreshold gthreshold
- Sets the threshold at which adjacent pixels are sufficiently different to receive antialiasing attention. Pixels with luminosity differences smaller than this will be skipped during antialiasing when adaptive sampling is enabled.
- Toggle particle blur.
MotionBlur ntype
- Set the motion blur option.
0 - Off
1 - Normal
2 - Dithered - BlurLength glength
- Set the blur length as a fraction of the time between successive frames.
EyeSeparation gseparation- Toggle stereoscopic rendering and set the interoccular distance.
FocalDistance gdistance
LensFStop gfstop- Toggle depth of field rendering and set the focus distance and f-stop.
These commands operate on the currently selected item and work with items of all types. Use the Item Info or Interface Info globals to get the current values of the parameters set by many of these commands.
- Remove the selected items from the scene.
Rename sname
- Rename the item. This works for all item types except objects, which derive their names from their filenames.
Clone nclones
- Create one or more clones of the item.
ItemActive nactive
- Make the item active or inactive. An inactive item doesn't participate in rendering
calculations. Inactive objects are 100% dissolved, and inactive lights have an intensity
of 0. For bones, the command is a synonym for the
command. It currently has no effect on cameras. ApplyServer sclass sserver
- Apply a plug-in. The arguments are the first and second fields of the ServerRecord for the plug-in.
RemoveServer sclass nindex
- Remove a plug-in. The index refers to the list of applied servers of a given class. The first server in each list has an index of 1.
AddEnvelope schannel
RemoveEnvelope schannel- Create or remove the envelope associated with a parameter in Layout. These commands
"press the E button" for envelopes Layout itself maintains. Use them for
envelopes not created by your plug-in through either the Variant Parameters or Animation
Envelopes globals. The
argument is the same as the channel name displayed in the Scene Editor when an item's channel list is expanded. SchematicPosition nX nY
- Set the position of the current item within schematic views. The coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the view pane.
ItemLock nlocked
- Lock or unlock the selected item. A locked item can't be selected by clicking on it in the view.
ItemVisibility nvisibility
- Set the visibility of the selected item. The argument can be any of the values returned
by the Interface Info global's
function. ItemColor ncolor
- Set the wireframe color of the selected item. The argument is an index into a color
Motion commands operate on the current item. Use the param
function of the Item Info global, as well as the Animation Envelopes and Channel Info globals, to read motion-related settings.
CreateKey gtime
- Create a key for all nine motion channels (position, rotation and scale). If a key already exists, this changes its settings.
DeleteKey gtime
- Delete all of an item's motion keys at a given time.
- Toggle the Auto Key setting. When on, changes in the position, rotation or scale of an item are automatically recorded to a key. When off, a key must be created explicitly.
Position gX gY gZ
Rotation gH gP gB
Scale gX gY gZ- Position, rotate or scale the item. This has no effect on keys at the current time unless Auto Key has been turned on.
AddPosition gX gY gZ
AddRotation gH gP gB
AddScale gX gY gZ- Increment the motion. Like
, but the values are relative rather than absolute. PivotPosition gX gY gZ
PivotRotation gH gP gB- Set the position and rotation of the pivot (the origin of the item's rotation).
- Add the current item rotation angles to the pivot rotation, and reset the item rotation angles to (0, 0, 0).
- Prepare for numeric entry. The specific behavior depends on which tool is active. For the Move, Rotate and Size tools, this activates the vector edit fields, and values typed after this will be entered there.
EnableZB- Unlock or lock a channel against changes caused by mouse dragging. Which channel is
affected depends on which tool is active. If the Move tool is active, for example,
toggles the enable state of the X channel, and when it's disabled, moving an item by dragging the mouse may affect the Y and Z components of its position, but not the X component. WorldCoordinateSystem
LocalCoordinateSystem- These affect the coordinate system in which mouse movement is interpreted for the motion tools. Moving the mouse can move an item along the world, parent or local (item) axes.
LoadMotion sfilename
SaveMotion sfilename- Load or save an item's keyframes in a motion file. The format of the file is similar to the format of the key data in scene files.
- Undo the most recent motion change.
- Set an item's animation channels to the values they had when the object was created or
loaded. Which channels are affected depends on which tool is currently active. Channels
disabled by
are not reset. ParentItem xID
- Set the parent of the current item to the item given by the ID. The item's motion is relative to that of its parent.
- A global setting. When turned off, setting a parent relationship causes the child item to jump to a new (world coordinate) position, since the child's position setting suddenly becomes relative to that of its parent. When turned on, parenting in place prevents the jump, adjusting the child's position relative to its parent so that its world position doesn't change. This setting can be read as a flag using the Interface Info global.
TargetItem xID
- Set the target of the current item to the item given by the ID. The item will rotate so that it points toward the target.
PathAlignLookAhead gtime
- Set the look-ahead interval, in seconds, for motion channels controlled by Align to Path. This is the amount of time by which changes in orientation of the item anticipate changes in the path direction.
- A global toggle that enables or disables inverse kinematics calculations for all items.
- Toggle the Unaffected by IK of Descendents option. When on, the item is isolated from the motion effects of inverse kinematics applied to the item's children. The item becomes the base of the IK chain containing its children.
GoalItem xID
- Set the IK goal of the current item to the item given by the ID.
- Toggle Full-time IK for the item. This determines whether IK is recalculated each time the item's goal is moved.
GoalStrength gstrength
- Set the strength, or amount of influence, of an item's IK goal. The goal strength is relative to that of the other goals associated with an IK chain.
- When on, this toggle causes the item's rotation and scale to match that of its goal.
- When on, this toggle constrains the motion of the goal so that it's always "attached" to the item.
HController ncontroller
PController ncontroller
BController ncontroller- Set the controller for each rotation channel. The argument can be any of the values
returned by the Item Info
function. HLimits gmin gmax
PLimits gmin gmax
BLimits gmin gmax- Set minimum and maximum limits for each rotation channel.
RecordMaxAngles- Use the current rotation of the item as the minimum or maximum limit for all three rotation channels.
LimitB- Enable or disable rotation limits.
HStiffness gstiffness
PStiffness gstiffness
BStiffness gstiffness- Set the stiffness (resistance to rotation via IK).
These commands affect settings on the Effects panel. Use the Backdrop Info and Fog Info globals to read these settings.
ZenithColor gred ggreen gblue
SkyColor gred ggreen gblue
GroundColor gred ggreen gblue
NadirColor gred ggreen gblue- Enable or disable the gradient backdrop, and set its key colors.
FogType ntype
- Set the fog type. The type can be any of the values that are valid for the Fog Info
field. FogMinDistance gdistance
FogMaxDistance gdistance- Set the distance extents of the fog.
FogMinAmount gamount
FogMaxAmount gamount- Set the fog amounts at the minimum and maximum distances.
FogColor gred ggreen gblue
- Set the fog color.
These commands involve render options and scene loading and saving. You can read many of the parameters using the Scene Info global.
- Clear the scene. All items are removed and all scene parameters are reset to their default values.
LoadScene sfilename
- Load a scene file.
LoadFromScene sfilename
- Load the objects, and optionally the lights, from a scene file.
SaveSceneAs sfilename- Save the scene.
SaveLWSC1 sfilename
- Save the scene in version 1 format. This is the scene file format used by versions of LightWave prior to 6.0. Some information may be lost, since the old format doesn't support many of the newer features.
SaveSceneCopy sfilename
- Save a copy of the scene. Unlike
doesn't rename the scene. ContentDirectory sdirname
- Set the content directory (a file system path). Objects and other files referenced in the scene are listed relative to this path.
FirstFrame nframe
LastFrame nframe
FrameStep nframes- Set the frame range and step size for rendering.
FramesPerSecond gfps
- Set the playback speed of the animation. This is used to convert between frame numbers and elapsed time in seconds.
- Toggle the Auto Frame Advance feature. During rendering with this turned off, the user must confirm before each frame is rendered.
- Enable or disable the VIPER (Virtual Interactive Preview Render) system. Enabling VIPER allows it to store buffers from the most recently rendered frame, but doesn't open the VIPER window.
RayTraceTransparency- Toggle raytracing of shadows, reflection, refraction and transparency.
RenderScene- Render the current frame, render only the currently selected objects in the frame, or render all frames.
These commands are concerned with the user's navigation within Layout's interface, but
being able to set the current frame and animate the display is also useful to plug-ins.
The current frame is available from the Interface Info
global as the current time. Use the framesPerSecond
field from the Scene Info global to convert this to a frame number.
Some of these commands operate on a single view pane, the one that currently contains the mouse cursor.
GoToFrame nframe
NextKey- Shuttle the display to a specific frame, an adjacent frame, or the next or previous frame containing a motion key.
RefreshNow- Tell Layout to recompute motions and geometry. After changing the current frame,
plug-ins that bake geometry can issue the
command so that vertex positions are updated immediately. By default,Refresh
runs during idle time, which won't occur while a plug-in's code is executing. Redraw
RedrawNow- Redraw the display. Like
executes immediately rather than waiting for idle time. But the draw commands by themselves don't cause motions and geometry to be recomputed. PlayForward
Pause- Animate the display, or make it stop animating.
PreviewFirstFrame nframe
PreviewLastFrame nframe
PreviewFrameStep nframes- Set the range of frames and the frame step for animating the display. The frame range also affects the range of frames that are accessible to the user through the frame shuttle control.
SavePreview- Manage pre-rendered previews. These store the animated display as an image sequence.
PlayAudio- Manage Layout's audio track.
- When this toggle is set, Layout allows the user to move the frame shuttle to non-integer frame numbers.
- Center a view over the current mouse position.
- Center a view over the position of the selected item. This is a toggle that causes the view to remain centered on the item while it's being moved.
FitSelected- Scale and move a view so that it contains all items or all selected items.
ZoomOutX2- Scale a view. The
versions scale the view by a factor twice as large.
These commands set display options. Many of these can be read from the Interface Info global. As with some navigation commands, many of these commands operate on the view pane that contains the mouse cursor.
GridSize gsize
DecreaseGrid- Set the grid size, or scale it in approximately logarithmic steps: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and so on. The grid size is the interval in meters between grid lines in the display. The scale of the view is relative to this size, so the entire scene (but not the grid) will appear to grow or shrink in the view panes as this number is changed.
DynamicUpdate nlevel
- Set the amount of display interactivity. The level can be any of the values that are
valid for the Interface Info
field. ShowMotionPaths
ShowTargetLines- Toggle the drawing of these display components.
BoundingBoxThreshold nthreshold
- Set the minimum number of points at which an object will be drawn initially as a bounding box. Lower numbers improve interactivity, but plug-ins that bake geometry transformations may need to set this above the number of points in the object they're baking. Otherwise only the bounding box vertex positions will be computed by Layout.
SchematicView- Set the type of view in a view pane. The first six are orthographic views in the
direction of the world -Y, +Y, -Z, +Z, -X and +X axes, respectively.
(X increasing to the right on the display, Y increasing upwards) is a synonym forBackView
(X right, Y up) is a synonym forTopView
, andZYView
(Z right, Y up) is a synonym forRightView
. The light and camera views look through the selected light and camera. The schematic view is a diagram of the parenting hierarchy. ViewLayout nlayout
SingleView- Select a view layout, the arrangement of up to four view panes. The layout indexes are
is a synonym forViewLayout 0
. SaveViewLayout
- Make the current view layout the default.
Layout_SetWindowPos nX nY
Scene_SetWindowPos nX nY
Item_SetWindowPos nX nY- Set the position of Layout's main window and the Scene Editor and Item Properties panels. The arguments are the screen coordinates of the upper left corner.
Layout_SetWindowSize nwidth nheight
Scene_SetWindowSize nwidth nheight- Set the dimensions of Layout's main window and the Scene Editor panel.
- Toggle the visibility of the toolbar (the vertical strip of buttons next to the view area).
AddButton scommand sgroup
- Add a button to the toolbar or one of the other menu areas. The
is the name of the menu group in which the button will be added. AlertLevel nlevel
- Set the alert level. This controls the method used to display warning, error and
informational messages. The level can be any of the values returned by the Interface Info
function. AutoConfirm non_off
- Set the auto-confirm switch. When this is turned on, confirmation dialogs that would otherwise be displayed to the user are suppressed. Plug-ins can use this to issue a large number of commands without inundating the user with requests to confirm each operation. Remember to turn it off again when you no longer need it.
These enable specific tools. Once a tool is active, the user's mouse movements and button clicking are interpreted as operations of the tool. These are available as commands primarily so that the user can map them to shortcut keys, but a few of the commands (Reset, for example) use the active tool as a context.
MoveTool RotateTool SizeTool StretchTool SquashTool MovePivotTool RotatePivotTool MovePathTool MorphAmountTool RestLengthTool ConeAngleTool CameraZoomTool AdjustRegionTool LightIntensityTool ChangeTool
These commands open or close panels.
EditServer sclass nindex
LastPluginInterface- Display a plug-in's interface. The
is the first field of the plug-in's ServerRecord, and theindex
refers to the list of applied servers of a given class. The first server in each list has an index of 1. Use the Item Info global to examine each item's server lists. HideWindows
- Toggle the visibility of open panels.
- Display the About dialog.
CommandInput scommand- Open one of the panels, or close the panel if it's open.
These commands don't easily fit into any of the other categories.
- Switch to Modeler. If Modeler isn't running, it will be started. If the Hub isn't running, the command has no effect.
- Synchronize objects in the scene with Modeler (reload objects that have been modified in Modeler).
AddPlugins sfilename
- Install the plug-ins found in the file.
- Save a list of these commands as a text file. The list will also contain all of the installed LayoutGeneric class plug-ins, as well as commands for some of the editors.
- Quit Layout.