============== About ModLib ============== ModLib isn't a plug-in. It's a static-link library that can be used to simplify the writing of CommandSequence and MeshDataEdit plug-ins. It contains about 170 functions that take care of the details of issuing commands and calling mesh edit and global functions. To use ModLib with a CommandSequence plug-in, first call the csInit() function to initialize the library. Then call any of the command sequence ("cs" prefix) or global ("mg" prefix) functions. When you're done, call csDone(). Call csMeshBegin() to start a mesh edit from within a CommandSequence. After that, you can call any of the mesh edit ("me" prefix) or global functions. Command functions shouldn't be called during mesh edits. If NDEBUG isn't defined when you compile, assert() statements in the command functions will complain if the functions are called during a mesh edit. When you're done mesh editing, call csMeshDone(). MeshDataEdit plug-ins can also use ModLib. They initialize and quit the library by calling meInit() and meDone(), and they can call any of the mesh edit and global functions, but not the command functions. The sample/dna/ directory contains source code for a command sequence plug-in that uses ModLib. Ernie Wright 16 March 2000